L&D Article Review #25
How are your interview skills looking? 📋 We're all still coming off some crazy lockdowns and it's understandable to be a bit rusty. As a freelancer, I'm always looking for ways to improve those interpersonal discussions. This is my 30 L&D articles in 30 days challenge! (Link to the article down below)
Article #25: 7 Common E-Learning Job Interview Questions - By Sarah Hodge
How long it took to read? - 4 minutes
Who is it for? - Those who want to practice L&D-specific questions for their next interview.
What I took from this article - This is actually the 2nd article I've read today. I found another one that was about "Interview Practices" but I felt it was a bit too vague. This happens sometimes. The links at the bottom will occasionally lead towards better materials than the one you're reading!
In this case, Hodge lays out some great questions to prep for upcoming L&D interviews. I particularly like her advice about staying away from vague responses. Interviewers want real-world examples and they want to see how your experiences could fit their position. Give that to them! Even mistakes in the field will make you seem more genuine and real than all those other applicants whose worst quality is "Trying too hard"...